“When I first observed the dark side of chimpanzee nature and realized they could be brutal just like us, especially the males, I was saddened. I do believe we have inherited aggressive tendencies from our ancient primate past—but also traits of compassion and altruism that we observe in chimpanzees as well. And with our highly developed intellect and sophisticated communication, I believe we are capable of controlling our violent behavior. Potts and Hayden make an important contribution as they explore our evolutionary origins and make suggestions as to how human society might reduce warfare in the future.”
—Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE
Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, UN Messenger of Peace

"Malcolm Potts, an obstetrician-scientist, is a hero of the international movement to improve women's health. Here, with journalist Thomas Hayden, he offers a lively and highly readable account of the evolution of war and terrorism. Potts's interest in this subject stemmed from his own experience treating women who had suffered unspeakably. Rape, he learned, is war's fellow traveler, and the perspectives of anthropology and Darwinian theory suggest why."
Melvin Konner, MD, PhD, Washington Post

“In this fresh and fascinating examination of the causes of war and misery around the world, Malcolm Potts and Thomas Hayden have met the enemy, and he is us. Sex and War is a penetrating and far-ranging analysis of the long, bloody history of our species and the primitive behaviors and blinkered policies that drive nations to disaster. Tired of stale rhetoric and baseless ideology? Turn off the TV and the talking heads and read this book! It will transform your outlook on war, peace, and what needs to be done to secure a safer world.”
—Sean B. Carroll, PhD
Evolutionary biologist and author of Endless Forms Most Beautiful and The Making of the Fittest

"Men are biologically predisposed to "team aggression" and from there it's only a small step to waging war. In a greatly oversimplified nutshell that is the central thesis of one of the year's more thought-provoking books, Sex and War by Malcolm Potts and Thomas Hayden."
Peter Calamai, Toronto Star

"...Potts and ... Hayden take a wide-ranging look at the many places that biology intersects with war. But the most fascinating parts of the book look at how modern technology has interacted with our Stone Age brains' risk calculators to produce the brutality and aggression of the world today."
      Alexis Madrigal, Wired Science

“In this impressively comprehensive treatment, Potts and Hayden step as far back as possible from the human race to assess the root causes of social upheaval. The case they make for the genetic basis of aggression is both compelling and frightening.”
—Randy Olson, PhD
Evolutionary biologist and writer/director, Flock of Dodos: The Evolution-Intelligent Design Circus